I understand that anyone who has read my Facebook rants about grocery store sacs may be confused about this post. If you haven't...lemme splain. I am one of 'those people' who insists on taking my reusable shopping bags to the grocery store. I have very strong opinions about not being wasteful and needlessly destroying this beautiful planet we live on. I have not gone completely hippie-living 'off the grid' or anything but I think that if you can do small things everyday to make a difference then DO IT! Not using plastic shopping bags that eventually end up in a landfill or even worse down the gullet of a whale is a simple, easy change we can make and make a small difference.
Quilting and decorative stitches. |
Even though I feel so strongly about this subject, my husband has been slow going on this. He is starting to come around now that he cuts grass all day and sucks up rouge bags in his mower. lol So I occasionally have bags in the house either from my hubby doing some shopping or from me not paying attention to the store bagger as he is putting the meat into a bag to then put it into my shopping bag. I do keep them around for cleaning out the cat box.
I found this pattern somewhere some time ago and have finally gotten around to making it. I wasn't sure how it was going to look so I used fabric I didn't really like all that much but now that it is together I don't completely hate it.
Waiting for sacs. |