And here we are ... the official Friday Night Sew In results....

I didn't get quite as much done as I would have liked but then again, I haven't gotten as much done as I would like everyday for the last 2 weeks! I blame it on the sinus infection and the fact that I only had one glass of wine! I got the blocks joined on the pinwheel quilts I was working on the last FNSI day. Turns out I am 7 blocks short! So much for being good at math!

The second one needs one more row so I am thinking I will take one row off the top, slap it on the side, add 2 more blocks and call it good. It will be 5 x 6 instead of 5 x 7, the sawtooth blocks finish at 2 inches so it should still work. Just don't tell anybody. ;)

I got the inner borders on the one and still have to add the sawtooth border on it (or I could quit here and it would be ok).
Next I cut the squares for the half square triangles that make up the outer borders on both quilts. I didn't have enough of one fabric to do both quilts so these are the two that I chose. Jaydin drew the lines on for me but I still only got a few stitched out.

I did get the bindings made for both of them though so that is something....
Hope everyone had a productive sewing I am off to surf the blogs to see what y'all did last night.